For the past three years on November 29th I have never really satisfied my wife until 2011, and I’m not talking about in the sack (for all you sickos), I’m talking about her anniversary expectations. 1st anniversary I was out of town playing football for weber, 2nd anniversary we (my wife and I) spent it playing cards with my cousins in New Jersey (they came to watch our game against the Redskins), 3rd anniversary was a dinner date, but this time I made up for all the past ones and set the bar high (warning disclosure: what is high for me, may not be high for you and vice versa).
I kicked off the date by presenting my wife with the newest iPhone. She was pretty excited and wouldn’t allow it out of the box (for the entire night and next morning) unless it had a protective case, which it didn’t, so she kept it in the box while she was texting or talking on the phone. I snapped a few photos while she wasn't looking. See below .....
I then took her to the Temple. With all the craziness going on in our lives: me starting a business, she is back in school, balancing 2 kids, while I’m also coaching high school football…etc. I thought that with all the hustle, grind and hype going on in our lives, that on this night, more so than others, that we would realize the difference between what was urgent in our lives and what was really important. Basically a celebration/reminder of our eternal marriage, ya feel me?

After our temple session, we walked over to the Joseph Smith Memorial building and dined at “The Roof” restaurant. They had 23 different types of deserts and some great prime rib. The view was on point (meaning it was just right).
The vibe was great, and they had a live pianist playing smooth jams. It really was a very special time. If there was one thing I learned from eating with my wife that night at the roof restaurant, it was to never go to a restaurant before knowing how much it was going to cost. I mean c’mon $88.44 for a buffet? Any other day I would have rolled up my sleeves. After desert my wife struck a serious convo with me by acting really sad and awkward, she said:

- Kristen: “It sucks this is going to be our last anniversary we celebrate together.”
- Me: “Huh”
- Kristen: “Ya…Now that you aren’t in the NFL anymore, we can’t be together.”
I almost slapped her for that joke…. but I don’t hit the ladies. With all the “gold diggers” out there my wife likes to tease me with jokes like this one because she knows that I know, she has never been with me for the money. If she was, then it was a cheap buy because I didn’t have much. Mentally it took me back to my high school days, when we could only see each other every 3rd day because my dad gave me two bucks for lunch and I would save it up so I could at least pay my
own way when going on lunch dates. I just thought to myself: A true gentleman would have starved himself and paid for his gal. I guess I was still in the process of becoming one. lol
Feeling like stuffed pigs we proceeded to the next part of our date, which was a couple’s massage at the Kura Door in “the Avenues” of Utah. The massages were a win. We then took a drive up to Park city to stay at the Mountain Side Marriot (thanks to my bro Lolo and his wife- Lynn’s connection we got the Friends and Family rate). The master bedroom had a huge garden tub, which is where we ended our night soaking and watched “storage wars” at the same time.
We finished our night with a happiness that never ends, and it went on and on my friends.
Wow Bro sounds like a great date Congrats. Love the reasbecks
ReplyDeleteLOL such a good one Kristen pullin that joke on you! Congrats on another anniversary you two! LOVE THE BLOG, love the stories - keep it up Marcs!