Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Meeting for M$LL$ONS

Yes Please !!!!!!

My meetings with a Business Guru who I call rain man because he can make it rain if you know what I mean. If you don’t know what that term means click on the link->

While the first football season in my history was passing by with me not playing in a single football game for 17 years, it was time to feel out the real world.

Working hard at every day and playing with my family for the remainder of the day is a dream come true, however that dream had an hour glass and time was ticking.

When I moved into a quiet neighborhood in a city called Layton, a long seen acquaintance had showed up at our doorstep on the day we were moving in. We hit it off as neighbors and he later introduced me to his multi-millionaire, successful business guru friend who, had a job for me, and in return the guru would help me with his experience.

I’ve heard of and seen people pay thousands of dollars to attend seminars, workshops, to inherit: Keys to success, tips of high trades, routes to glory, highly effective habits...etc.

 I have received my own set of exclusive “millionaire seminars” from an elite business man that I wanted to share with my followers for free, in purpose to promote greatness and to help my peepers out. Ha-ha

Let’s go! Session # 1

Our meetings took place in a pimped out office that measured out to be 50 sq. ft. The walls were lined with authentic signed football jerseys that were framed to perfection; a 50+ inch hi-def. flat screen mounted on the wall, and one set of windows facing the east that gave a great spectacular view of the Wasatch Mountains. Rain Man sat behind a U-shaped desk and I facing him, with the east window to my back.

Sitting in his office, prepared with a notepad and a pen to record any gems on paper, I was ready to receive any form of success he had to offer. After some small talk, rain man engaged me and the quest for success was in progress:

Rain Man: So what do you want out of business?

Me: I want to make good money.

Rain Man: Let me tell you a story. 2 business guys vacationing on an island wanted to fish one day. They saw a native relaxing under a Palm tree and asked if he knew of any good spots to fish. The native’s eyes lit up in joy as he laughed and said, “Are you ready to catch the more fish than you ever have.” The two business men laughed in skepticism and said “yes.”  So they all went out fishing and the two business men came back with more fish then they imagined catching. So impressed with the Native’s fishing skills, the two business men went home and returned to the island with a group of investors. They located the Native, who was relaxing under the same tree and proposed to him that they would make him rich if he could command ten boats to catch as much fish as he did with the two business men. The Native said, “I don’t need to be rich to relax under a tree, and to fish when I want to, so…no I won’t do it.”

Rain Man: (continuing):  I’ll  tell you myself,  I won’t be able to spend all my millions before I die. Is that what you want to spend your time chasing; Money you won’t spend? Or do you need 21 million to relax as a coach, teacher, strength coach…etc.?

Me: Those are really good questions. (Thinking to myself, “My plan was to get rich playing football, then be a high school football coach. Do I really need to be rich to coach high school football?”) I realized needed to figure out what I would be happiest doing in life and how much money I needed to support that.

Rain Man: So how much money are you eyeing to make?

Me: 21 million will do.

Rain Man: Never put a number it, in football that’s like worrying about catching the touchdown pass when you should be worried about the snap count, and you’re first and 2nd steps and the progression from there. Don’t put a number on it because you will set yourself up to trip and fall many times. Start by deciding if you are going to do what it takes and begin from there. It all starts with the simple things. Don’t be the guy that walks by a piece of trash lying around in the office, because that where it begins kid, with the small things. I myself leave opportunities in forms of trash to see what kind of people I’ve got working for me. The person that picks up that piece of trash is usually successful in life and in my company. It’s a simple test and it tells me every time.

Me: Wow that makes so much sense. My wife would pass every single one of these tests, especially if it were clothes that were lying on the ground. Ha-ha (I interpreted it to myself as:  “Don’t let the ‘WHAT’ as in the end result come before the ‘WHY’. Similar to the saying ‘don’t put the cart in front of the horse.’

I realized that this one great tip is valuable to all aspects of life such as: football and….and…hmmm. That’s all I can think of right now besides business.

The meeting continues, but I don’t want to give you a brain cramp so I’ll pick up where we left off, in a few days.   

So just like Ice cube says to Smokey in the movie “FRIDAY” which I am now saying to you, “Aye...come baack!”

P.S. If you seek greatness, and a higher understanding of the “why” and how important it is as the core of your actions click on dis video baby-> .

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wine and Dined, Without the Wine

For the past three years on November 29th I have never really satisfied my wife until 2011, and I’m not talking about in the sack (for all you sickos), I’m talking about her anniversary expectations. 1st anniversary I was out of town playing football for weber, 2nd anniversary we (my wife and I) spent it playing cards with my cousins in New Jersey (they came to watch our game against the Redskins), 3rd anniversary was a dinner date, but this time I made up for all the past ones and set the bar high (warning disclosure: what is high for me, may not be high for you and vice versa).
I kicked off the date by presenting my wife with the newest iPhone. She was pretty excited and wouldn’t allow it out of the box (for the entire night and next morning) unless it had a protective case, which it didn’t, so she kept it in the box while she was texting or talking on the phone. I snapped a few photos while she wasn't looking. See below .....


I then took her to the Temple. With all the craziness going on in our lives: me starting a business, she is back in school, balancing 2 kids, while I’m also coaching high school football…etc. I thought that with all the hustle, grind and hype going on in our lives, that on this night, more so than others, that we would realize the difference between what was urgent in our lives and what was really important. Basically a celebration/reminder of our eternal marriage, ya feel me?

After our temple session, we walked over to the Joseph Smith Memorial building and dined at “The Roof” restaurant. They had 23 different types of deserts and some great prime rib. The view was on point (meaning it was just right). The vibe was great, and they had a live pianist playing smooth jams. It really was a very special time. If there was one thing I learned from eating with my wife that night at the roof restaurant, it was to never go to a restaurant before knowing how much it was going to cost. I mean c’mon $88.44 for a buffet? Any other day I would have rolled up my sleeves. After desert my wife struck a serious convo with me by acting really sad and awkward, she said:
  • Kristen: “It sucks this is going to be our last anniversary we celebrate together.”
  • Me: “Huh”
  • Kristen: “Ya…Now that you aren’t in the NFL anymore, we can’t be together.”

I almost slapped her for that joke…. but I don’t hit the ladies. With all the “gold diggers” out there my wife likes to tease me with jokes like this one because she knows that I know, she has never been with me for the money. If she was, then it was a cheap buy because I didn’t have much. Mentally it took me back to my high school days, when we could only see each other every 3rd day because my dad gave me two bucks for lunch and I would save it up so I could at least pay my
own way when going on lunch dates. I just thought to myself: A true gentleman would have starved himself and paid for his gal. I guess I was still in the process of becoming one. lol

Feeling like stuffed pigs we proceeded to the next part of our date, which was a couple’s massage at the Kura Door in “the Avenues” of Utah. The massages were a win. We then took a drive up to Park city to stay at the Mountain Side Marriot (thanks to my bro Lolo and his wife- Lynn’s connection we got the Friends and Family rate). The master bedroom had a huge garden tub, which is where we ended our night soaking and watched “storage wars” at the same time.

We finished our night with a happiness that never ends, and it went on and on my friends.
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